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Reliable Coworking Uluwatu

Reliable Coworking Spaces in Uluwatu

Uluwatu Hub is said to be the first reliable coworking space in Uluwatu, Bali operated since 2020.

Our coworking spaces are designed with minimalist modern touch inspired by Balinese authentic culture and art. We are falicitating you to bring the best in you by providing a condusive coworking space with a cozy, silent, comfortable and super speed internet connection to support your working needs.

Coworking is all about the connection and collaboration. We believe that innovative people thrive when they get the opportunity to work & collaborate in produtive environtment.

Uluwatu Hub is a new way of working and living and can be your starting point to make things happen. Ideas and creativity will flow more freely here. We strive to support and strengthen the remote workers ecosystem in Bali.

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The Vibe of Collective Productivity

Coworking Spaces

Our unique space offers a selection of flexi communal desks, dedicated desks, meeting room, focus room, outdoor space and garden to be a creative home for individuals looking to be...

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Karina Nomads
Martina Nomad

Our team always available to assist you

We are happy to show you around, reserve a working space or reply to any questions you might have about our spaces and memberships.

Adress: Jl. Goa Lempeh No. 27A  Uluwatu, Bali


Whatsapp: +62 813 3851 2277

Phone:  +62 361 446 5749

Uluwatu Digital Nomads